About Me

Ray Lewis
Ray Lewis

Hi, I’m Ray Lewis, founder of the Release Effect, a revolutionary approach to emotional healing. I’m also the author of the up-coming book Free Yourself – How To Overcome Your Irrational Feelings., where I share my personal story and the science behind my method.

For 25 years, I struggled with severe mental and emotional issues, such as panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. I tried everything I could to find a solution, from reading hundreds of books to trying various therapies, but nothing worked. I felt hopeless and trapped in a cycle of negative feelings.

That changed when I discovered a groundbreaking book by Joseph LeDoux, a neuroscientist who revealed the role of the amygdala, a small part of the brain that triggers emotional responses, sometimes without any logical reason. This book opened my eyes to the true nature of my problems: they were not caused by my past, my thoughts, or my beliefs, but by my feelings.

I realized that the only way to overcome my issues was to treat the feelings as the problem, not the symptom. I developed a technique called the Release Effect, which allows me to release any unwanted feeling in a matter of minutes, without having to analyze it or understand it. I tested this technique on myself and on others, and the results were amazing. I felt a new sense of inner freedom and peace, and so did my clients.

I wanted to share this technique with the world, but I faced a lot of resistance from the established therapy industry, which was not ready to accept a new paradigm of emotional healing. I also faced many challenges in getting a clinical trial to prove the effectiveness of my method. I realized that I was a pioneer in a field that was still stuck in the past.

That’s why I wrote this book, to spread the word about the Release Effect and to inspire you to try it for yourself. I believe that this is the 21st century of emotional healing, and that everyone deserves to feel good and live a happy life. The Release Effect is the answer to the problem that has plagued humankind since the dawn of the amygdala. I invite you to join me in this journey of feeling revolution.